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- Over 70 People Attend Spring Fling 2023
Over 70 People Attend Spring Fling 2023
HCDP News for June 13th, 2023
In this Email
June 13 2023
Party News
NEW: Over 70 People Attend Spring Fling 2023
NEW: Volunteers Needed for Bridgefest Parade and Booth
NEW: 2023 Adopt-a-Highway - Round 1
NEW: Trump Earns Another First
NEW: More Good Things Happening in Lansing
Upcoming Events
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NEW: Community Events
Party News
Over 70 People Attend Spring Fling 2023
Spring Fling 2023 was a rousing success! We were happy to host over 70 people at the Bonfire on Saturday. That’s up from the 43 who attended last year’s Fling as we were coming out of the pandemic.
There was a lot of excitement to be back together again and everyone seemed to have a good time.
Bob Lorinser and Callie Barr, candidates for the US House, attended and spoke to the group. Also addressing the Fling attendees were County Commissioners Gretchen Janssen and Glenn Anderson, along with County Clerk Jennifer Kelly. Recorded messages from Senator Peters and Stabenow were also heard.
Annual awards were presented too. Gretchen Janssen won the Andrew H. Wisti Leadership Award, and Carolyn (Candy) Peterson the Bart Stupak Service Award. Steve Blackburn took home the Nancy Fenili Booster Award.
We’d like to thank everyone who helped make this year’s Fling a success, especially those who donated to (and bid on) all the wonderful items in the Silent Auction.

County Commissioners Janssen and Anderson, and County Clerk Kelly spoke.

Senators Stabenow and Peters spoke to the group by videotaped message.

MI Dems Chair Lavora Barnes; Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist; and candidates for the 101st MI House seat Callie Barr and Bob Lorinser also spoke.
Volunteers Needed for Bridgefest Parade and Booth
Volunteers are needed to walk with us in the Bridgefest Parade next Friday, June 16th. Line up for the parade begins at 5:30, and the parade kicks off after the start of the Thatcher Markham Memorial Run. We are also looking for folks to help us staff the vendor booth Friday from 3 PM to 10 PM and Saturday from Noon to 10 PM. Email Barb Turuc at [email protected] if you can help out.

2023 Adopt-a-Highway - Round 1
Calling all volunteers to join us for Round 1 of clean up on our adopted section of M-26. Our stretch of highway runs from just past Goat Hill Rd (heading out of Ripley) on through Dollar Bay. We will gather to clean this highway on Wednesday, June 21st at 5:30 PM.
Parking is available at the Adopt-A-Highway sign just past Goat Hill Rd. We provide gloves, safety vests and bags. After the pick up we typically meet at Quincy's for dinner and conversation. Please join us so we can continue this very worthwhile community service. Hope to see you there!

Trump Earns Another First - First Former President to be Subject of Federal Indictment
As I’m sure you know, former President Donald Trump was indicted last week on 38 Federal felony counts related to his handling of improperly taken classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. He has been ordered to appear at a federal courthouse in Miami at 3 PM today.
There’s a lot we could say about the felonious behavior of the “former guy”, but this tweet from the account of Senator Stabenow pretty much sums it up. He’ll have a hard time talking his way out of this mess.
He stored highly classified documents in his bathroom!? Talk about a sh*tshow.
— Sen. Debbie Stabenow (@SenStabenow)
6:42 PM • Jun 9, 2023
More Good Things Happening in Lansing
Progress was made on a number of bills this past week as the legislature returned to active session:
A package of eight bills was introduced into both the House and the Senate last week to implement the constitutionally mandated voting rights approved last year as Proposition 2, also called Promote the Vote 2022. The changes include 9 days of early voting, and extended options for absentee voting among other changes.
The CROWN (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair) Act passed both houses of the legislature and is on it’s way to the Governor’s desk. Gov. Whitmer is expected to sign the bill, which amends the state’s Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination based on hair, particularly protective or textured hairstyles often worn by Black people. The House (100 - 7) and Senate (35 - 5) votes achieved significant bipartisan support.
This past Wednesday Governor Whitmer signed three bills updating Michigan’s laws on distracted driving. The “hands free” cell phone legislation goes into effect at the end of this month.
Governor Whitmer announced the formation of her new Political Action Committee last Monday. The “Fight Like Hell” PAC will allow the governor to raise money for Federal candidates like President Biden and VP Harris, as well as candidates running for the US House and Senate.
Upcoming Events
Save the Date -
Upcoming HCDP Events

Here are dates to hold for upcoming HCDP activities:
June 16th: Bridgefest Parade and vendor booth
June 21st: Adopt-a-Highway Clean Up Round 1
July 4th: Independence Day Parades (Participation TBD, but likely Lake Linden & South Range)
July 8th: Strawberry Festival Parade in Chassell
August 19th: Pasty Fest Parade in Calumet
August 24 thru 27th: Booth at Houghton County Fair
Community Events
Mon 6/12
Yesterday Governor Whitmer signed legislation (HB 4555) making the date, June 12th, an annual commemoration known as Michigan Women Veterans Recognition Day. Michigan has 44,000 living female veterans, and many more no longer with us.
June 12th this year marks the 75th anniversary of the signing, by President Harry Truman, of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act, marking the first time women were allowed to serve as equal members of the US Armed Services.
Since 2018 the Governor has proclaimed June 12th as Women Veterans Recognition Day each year, but now the day will be a permanent commemoration.
Take a moment out of your day to recognize and thank the women veterans in your life.

Tue 6/13
This month's regular meeting of the Houghton County Board of Commissioners is Tuesday (tonight) at 4 PM in the Conference Room on the fifth floor of the Houghton County Courthouse. Find more information on the Board's webpage (find the Zoom link to the meeting in the Agenda).
Wed 6/14
The Houghton City Council meets at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday. The Meeting Agenda can be found in the Searchable Document Center of the Council's website. Zoom attendance information is available here.
Wednesday is also Flag Day, a day that honors our national flag, and commemorates the date in 1777 when the Continental Congress authorized the creation of the first national flag.
Sun 6/18
Sunday is Fathers Day, a day to celebrate Dads, Granddads and all the significant father figures in your life. If you’re still shopping, and on a budget, then maybe this guide to gifts under $50 can help.
Mon 6/19
Next Monday is Juneteenth, marking the end of slavery in the United States. The first federal legislation to recognize Juneteenth was introduced in the US House back in 1996 by Michigan Democrat Barbara-Rose Collins. Finally, in 2021, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, the Federal holiday, officially named the Juneteenth National Independence Day, was approved by Congress and signed into law by President Biden. This year marks the 18th year Michigan has commemorated Juneteenth Freedom Day, now doing so in conjunction with the national holiday. This ABC News story explains the history and significance of the day.
Is there a community commemoration or event we should recognize that's of particular importance to you? Just send an email to [email protected].