Call to County Convention - Saturday, August 10 @ 10 AM

HCDP News for July 19 2024



Pursuant to the Michigan Democratic Party’s Call to Convention, all County and District Conventions across Michigan shall occur on Saturday, August 10, 2024.

The Houghton County Convention will convene at 10 AM on Saturday, August 10, 2024, in the Conference Room at the Houghton Super 8 at 1200 E Lakeshore Drive.


The purpose of the County and District Conventions shall be to elect Members and Alternates to the State Convention Committees and to consider resolutions to be forwarded to the State Party.

Each Congressional District shall be entitled to two delegates (not of the same gender identity) and two alternates (not of the same gender identity) on each of the following convention committees: Rules, Resolutions, and Credentials.

In order to be elected to a Convention Committee, a person must be a member of the Michigan Democratic Party for at least thirty (30) days prior to August 24, 2024, which is July 25, 2024.

Committee members shall be apportioned among the various Counties of each District. Care should be taken to ensure that the delegates and alternates in each district are balanced by gender


The Houghton County Convention is open to all, but Delegates to the County Convention shall be the members of the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP) residing in Houghton County whose membership was renewed at least thirty (30) days prior to the County or District Convention held on August 10, 2024 - which was July 11, 2024. (Democratic Precinct Delegates, Democratic elected officials and Democratic nominees to partisan offices, all residing in Houghton County, may become members that day when they register at the County Convention.)

This message is paid for with regulated funds by the Houghton County Democratic Party. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.