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- Help Support Michigan Voting Rights Act Bills | Two Advance in WI Supreme Court Primary
Help Support Michigan Voting Rights Act Bills | Two Advance in WI Supreme Court Primary
HCDP News for February 28th, 2023
In this Email
FEB 28 2023
Party News
NEW: Help Support Michigan Voting Rights Act Bills
NEW: Two Advance In WI Supreme Court Primary
NEW: Family at President Carter's Side in Home Hospice
Upcoming Events
NEW: Next General Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday March 1
NEW: Campaign & Community Events
Party News
Help Support Michigan Voting Rights Act Bills
Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson recently announced her efforts to work with legislators to enact a Michigan Voting Rights Act. The bills noted below are part of that effort. They will protect election officials from harassment and keep polling places free from blatant intimidation of voters by armed activists.Work on these bills is moving quickly. They are scheduled to appear on the agenda of the House Elections and Ethics Committee this week, and could be reported to the House for a vote right away.It's important that our House representative hear from us, his constituents, that we support this effort. Please contact Greg Markkanen at (517) 373-0850 to voice your support as soon as possible. You can also email him at [email protected].
House Bill 4127 bans guns at, or within 100 feet of, polling places, early voting centers and, for 40 days prior to election day, within 100ft of ballot drop boxes.House Bill 4128 prohibits guns at, or within 100 feet of, locations where absentee ballots are being processed.House Bill 4129 prohibits intimidation of election officials, and prohibits anyone from preventing election officials from doing their job. House Bill 4130, tie-barred with (i.e. companion bill to) HB 4129, establishes felony sentencing guidelines for anyone who intimidates an election official or prevents them from doing their work.

Secretary of State Benson is working with lawmakers to ban guns at polling places
Two Advance in WI Supreme Court Primary
The good news from last week's Wisconsin primary is that Janet Protasiewicz, a Milwaukee County circuit court judge, advanced to the general election. She was endorsed by Emily's List, and has rallied against current Wisconsin legislation forbidding abortion as well as against Wisconsin's gerrymandered district maps.The bad news is that, unfortunately, Daniel Kelly also advanced to the general election. He is a Trump ally and has ties to the "fake electors" scheme in Wisconsin.Protasiewicz won with 46% of the total vote, a strong showing based on high Democratic voter turnout. Kelly received 24% of the vote. The top two vote getters in the primary move on to the general election.While it may seem from the primary vote totals that Protasiewicz is assured a victory in the general election that may not be the case. Because of the role of the state Supreme Court on abortion law, and because her victory would tip the balance of power on the Wisconsin Supreme Court - which is now 4 to 3 Republican - the race is expected to attract a lot of outside spending. Spending is expected to exceed the previous record for a state Supreme Court seat of $15 million (set in Illinois in 2004).Also motivating the large spending is the fact that the Wisconsin Supreme Court came within one vote of overturning Joe Biden's win in the state in 2020. Another close presidential vote in 2024 could put the state's election results back in the hands of the Court.
If you'd like to help make sure your friends and family in Wisconsin have a Supreme Court that understands and supports both reproductive freedom and the voting rights of its citizens you can help. There will continue to be opportunities to call or to request postcards sent to Wisconsinites - urging their vote for Protasiewicz- right up until the general election on April 4th.Postcard Campaign - sign up here: Friend to Friend Postcards for the Wisconsin Supreme CourtCall Voters - sign up here: Wisconsin Supreme Court Phonebank
Family at President Carter's Side in Home Hospice
Family members, including former President Jimmy Carter's children and grandchildren, are remaining at his side as hospice care continues at his home. The former president beat brain cancer in 2015, but at 98 his current health woes have led to his decision to enter end of life treatment.
The Carter Center has set up a link for those who would like to send their own well wishes to President Carter.
Please keep the President, former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, and their family in your thoughts.

Former President Jimmy Carter
Upcoming Events
Next General Meeting on March 1
Our next General Meeting will be tomorrow, Wednesday, March 1 at 7 PM. As usual, the meeting will be both in-person at the Super 8 Motel in Houghton and remote by Zoom.You do not need to be a member to attend our monthly meetings, and we would welcome your attendance.
Here is the Zoom meeting info:Topic: March General Membership MeetingTime: Mar 1, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 850 6919 1401Passcode: 780199One tap mobile+12532158782,,85069191401#,,,,*780199# US (Tacoma)+13017158592,,85069191401#,,,,*780199# US (Washington DC)Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 305 224 1968 US +1 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 360 209 5623 US +1 386 347 5053 US +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose) +1 507 473 4847 US +1 564 217 2000 US +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 646 931 3860 US +1 669 444 9171 US +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 689 278 1000 US +1 719 359 4580 US +1 253 205 0468 USFind your local number
Campaign & Community Events
Wed. 3/1:
The Hancock City Council meets at 6 PM in the Hancock City Hall Council Chambers.
March 1st is the start of Women's History Month. The national celebration of Women's History had its origins in the 1981 resolution of Congress creating Women's History Week. Since 1995 Presidents have issued annual proclamations declaring March to be Women's History Month.
Thur 3/2
The South Range Village Council meets Thursday at 6:30 PM in the South Range Community Building. For more information contact the Village at [email protected] or (906) 482-8833