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- Whitmer Delivers State of the State | Socially Liberal & Focused on Working Families
Whitmer Delivers State of the State | Socially Liberal & Focused on Working Families
HCDP News for January 31, 2023
In this Email
JAN 31 2023
Party News
NEW: Whitmer Delivers State of the State
NEW: Socially Liberal & Focused on Working Families
Treasurer & Finance Chair Wanted
NEW: National Popular Vote Bill
Upcoming Events
February General Membership Meeting Tomorrow
MDP Spring 2023 Convention February 11
NEW: Campaign & Community Events
Party News
Whitmer Delivers State of the State
Governor Whitmer delivered her fifth State of the State speech last Wednesday, and the first such speech in the state capital since the pandemic.The video of the full speech is available on the Governor's YouTube channel, and the full text can be found at Michigan.gov.The Governor summarized her speech on Thursday morning in a letter published by the Detroit Free Press. It's worth the read as it encapsulates her plans for Michigan.

Socially Liberal & Focused on Working Families
The success of the Democratic Party at the state level, and the direction being charted by Michigan's elected Democrats led by Governor Whitmer, continues to draw the attention of the national political press.The Daily Kos headlined a recent article this way: "One state government is charting a course for Democrats nationally. And no, it's not California." The article goes on to say that "...the combination of [Governor] Whitmer's unabashed socially liberal polices along with her emphasis on the economic needs of working families could be the powerful combination Democrats need to thrive in a post-Trump era."New York Magazine's Intelligencer turned their eye to the strategies that propelled Democrats to success last year in more than one state, including Michigan. The article points to Michigan's independent commission charged with redistricting as a key factor in our state, noting that "...since the state’s previous maps were gerrymandered in the GOP’s favor, the new, less biased maps made it easier for Democrats to compete..." The commission was established as a result of the Promote the Vote efforts that resulted in 2020's successful Proposition 2, which the HCDP endorsed.Other articles focus on what lies ahead of us. CNN for example, focuses on the "hard reset" in our state against the election denialism and voter suppression tactics of the Michigan Republicans. The article points specifically to this past year's Prop 2, the Promote the Vote 2022 measure which amends the state constitution to expand voting accessibility and voting rights. Meanwhile, Daily Kos highlights the bills already introduced in the new legislative session by Michigan Democrats to "add LGBTQ protections to the state's civil rights legislation, repeal a 1931 anti-abortion statue, repeal the state's anti-union right-to-work law, and expand the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to help working families."All of this attention is nice - it's good to have the hard work of the Democrats in our state recognized. But it also means that while a lot has been accomplished, there is still much work to do.
Treasurer & Finance Chair Wanted
We are still searching for individuals willing to fill the roles of Treasurer and Finance Chair.
The treasurer is responsible for financial receipts and disbursements, and for providing financial reports to the County and Executive Committees as requested. The Treasurer also is responsible for the filing of Michigan Campaign Finance Disclosure reports. (More information on disclosure filing can be found at MERTSplus.com ).
The Finance Committee Chair oversees the creation of the annual budget and ideas for fundraising efforts.
If you are interested in serving as Treasurer or Finance Chair, or you know someone who may be, please contact Chair William Keith at [email protected].
National Popular Vote Bill
The Michigan-based nonpartisan group "Yes on National Popular Vote" is still operational and hopeful that the change in Michigan government may help their efforts to make Michigan a member of the National Popular Vote Compact. Michigan legislators would need to pass a National Popular Vote bill to join the Compact.
In late 2021, after 60 Republican lawmakers issued a letter "vehemently" opposing the Compact, the group suspended plans to organize for a 2022 voter initiative under which Michigan would join the Compact.
The aim of the Compact is to ensure that the office of President is elected by popular vote. States that join the Compact agree to award their electors to the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide. They agree to do so only once enough states have joined the Compact to provide 270 votes in the Electoral College - the number needed to win the presidency. Currently in Michigan, as in most states, electors are awarded to the Presidential candidate who receives the most votes within the state.
Fifteen states and the District of Columbia have already joined the Compact, representing 195 electoral votes (72% of the 270 winning votes). Michigan has 16 votes in the Electoral College.
From the "Yes on National Popular Vote" group:Five of our 46 Presidents have come into office without winning the popular vote because every vote is not equal under the current Electoral College system. We can elect the President by popular vote in 2028, but Michigan legislators have to take action and pass a National Popular Vote bill.The National Popular Vote bill guarantees the presidency to the candidate who won the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.Our state legislators have the power to repair our broken presidential election system but not without our action by writing to them and calling them urging them to pass the National Popular Vote.Use this link now to make your voice heard. It counts!!!
Upcoming Events
February General Membership Meeting
The next HCDP general membership meeting will be tomorrow , Wednesday February 1 at the Super 8 Motel in Houghton at 7:00 p.m. You can also attend by Zoom - see info below.
You do not need to be a member to attend our meetings, and we would welcome you to join us.
HCDP General Meeting
Time: Feb 1, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID:
819 0939 4610
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MDP Spring Convention
The Michigan Democratic Party 2023 Spring Convention takes place Saturday February 11 in Detroit. All members of the Michigan Democratic Party are encouraged to attend. For those unable to travel, an online stream of the proceedings of the convention floor will be available at michigandems.com.
Further information, including the full Call to Convention and the Convention Schedule can be found on the Michigan Dems website.
Campaign & Community Events
Wed. 2/1:
Wednesday kicks off Black History Month, and is also recognized as National Freedom Day - whichcelebrates the signing of the 13th Amendment that abolished slavery in 1865.