- Houghton County Democratic Party
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- Spreading Goodwill at the Houghton County Fair
Spreading Goodwill at the Houghton County Fair
HCDP News for August 29th, 2023
Party News
Spreading Goodwill at the Houghton County Fair
Labor Day Eve Picnic - It’s Almost Here
UAW Labor Fight with the Big Three Important for Restoring the Middle Class Here in Michigan
Meme of the Week
More Good Things Happening in Lansing
Upcoming Events
Save the Date - Upcoming HCDP Events
Community Events

Spreading Goodwill at the Houghton County Fair
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to staff the booth at the Houghton County Fair this weekend. That’s one more year at the Fair - one more year in our streak as one of the longest-running exhibitors.
For many years now the fair has allowed us to engage with our neighbors where they are. As one of our long time volunteers, Barbara Manninen, commented “Volunteering at the Dems Booth is always interesting. Worth the time for spreading goodwill as well as talking with people. I enjoyed every encounter I had."
We also had a table over the weekend at An Afternoon on the Town, the Michigan Tech event designed to allow local businesses and organizations to introduce themselves to Tech students.

Events Chair Horst Schmidt at our Houghton County Fair booth this past weekend

Just two of the many smiling faces who stopped by our booth at the Houghton County Fair

We also had a table over the weekend at An Afternoon on the Town and engaged with many Tech students.
Labor Day Eve Picnic - It’s Almost Here!
It’s almost here! Our annual Labor Day Eve Picnic is September 3rd. This year we’ll be gathering at the Hancock Beach Pavilion from 4 PM until 7 PM. As usual this is a Potluck Picnic - Bring your drinks and a dish to pass. We'll provide hotdogs & hamburgers (and condiments). Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
WHAT: Annual Potluck Picnic
WHEN: September 3rd (Labor Day Eve)
WHERE: Hancock Beach Pavilion (NOT Kestner Park this year). The Pavilion is in the Hancock Beach Recreation Area, along the Canal at 200 Jasberg Street in Hancock. Google Map the location here.

UAW Labor Fight with the Big Three Important for Restoring the Middle Class Here in Michigan
Back on July 25th we pointed to the Hollywood writers and actors strike and the potential for a UPS strike as signs that this summer “may be one of the most active seasons for worker strikes in several years.”
While the strike in Hollywood continues, the UPS contract negotiations were completed with big gains for workers before a strike occurred.
Closer to home, last Friday brought word that UAW workers had voted overwhelmingly to strike against the Big Three automakers should contract negotiations not reach a successful conclusion by September 14th - the day the current contract ends.
Click on the Facebook post below from More Perfect Union to view their eight minute video featuring interviews with UAW workers. You’ll see why this labor fight is so important for restoring the middle class right here in Michigan.
The success of our county party relies on the participation of people just like you. Join the HCDP today and help us put Democrats on the ballot who’ll make a difference.
“We are Democrats because we believe that good government must rely upon and strengthen the bonds that make us a society: recognizing the richness of our diverse heritage, preserving what we have been given, and leaving to posterity a legacy greater than that which we received.” - HCDP Platform Preamble
Meme of the Week
If you spend any time following political accounts on social media you are no doubt familiar with the “Dark Brandon” meme. Dark Brandon was created and made popular by Democratically leaning folks in response to Republican cries of “Let’s Go Brandon” in late 2021 - a derogatory chant disrespecting the President.
Dark Brandon is usually depicted as President Biden with red lasers coming out of his eyes, and suggests that the President gets things done and suffers no fools while doing so. The meme starting gaining popularity last summer.
The President’s 2024 campaign began embracing the Dark Brandon meme earlier this year, putting it on t-shirts and coffee mugs. Earlier this month, Axios reported that more than half of all the Biden re-election campaign’s merchandise sales have come from Dark Brandon themed items.
All of which is a lead up to the Meme of the Week. In a move consistent with the confident swagger of Dark Brandon, the re-election campaign really put the meme to good use last week by posting a set of Dark Biden themed ads on the Fox News website the day of the Republicans first primary debate. Billboards featuring the Dark Brandon ads were placed all over Milwaukee, the city hosting the debate.
Tax Cuts for Yacht Owners? Good luck with that, Champ
Social Security Cuts? Try me.
Get on board folks. We’re lowering prescription drug costs.
Get Real, Jack. I’m Bringing Roe Back.

The Fox News website the day of the first Republican primary debate

The ads used in the billboard campaign all around Milwaukee, the host city for the debate
If you’d like to check out the Dark Brandon merchandise from the President’s campaign, visit the store at JoeBiden.com.
More Good Things Happening in Lansing
With the Labor Day weekend coming up the news has been very light out of Lansing this past week.
But there is an update on the Governor’s “What’s Next” address, which is expected to outline her priorities for the fall legislative session. The Governor’s address begins at 11 AM tomorrow, and will be live streamed on her Youtube and Facebook pages.
WHAT: Governor’s “What’s Next” Address
WHEN: Tomorrow at 11 AM

Save the Date -
Upcoming HCDP Events

HCDP Monthly Meetings: First Wednesday of each month at 7 PM, in the conference room at the Houghton Super 8 and by Zoom.
Community Events
Wed 8/23
The Houghton City Council meets at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday. The Meeting Agenda can be found in the Searchable Document Center of the Council's website.
Mon 9/4
Next Monday is Labor Day. Americans first celebrated Labor Day in the 1880s. Celebrations began as local affairs organized and led by trade union workers, and quickly led to efforts to recognize the holiday by state legislatures. New York became the first state to adopt a bill recognizing Labor Day in 1887. Twenty three different states officially celebrated Labor Day by the time Congress approved a national holiday in 1894. Learn more about the history of Labor Day at this Department of Labor website.
Today Labor Day is observed by many as the “unofficial end of summer”, and many events set their calendars around the day. Fall sports generally start their seasons after Labor Day.
State law in Michigan mandates that public schools begin after Labor Day but currently more than half of the public school systems in the state receive a waiver to start earlier. More than one bill has been introduced over the last several years to end the requirement for school to start after Labor Day.

Parades have been a part of Labor Day since the very beginning. Ontonagon is known for its Labor Day Festival, including what Scott Dianda once called “one of the best parades in the UP.”
Is there a community commemoration or event we should recognize that's of particular importance to you? Just send an email to [email protected].