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- Treasurer Changeover & Callie Barr Meet and Greet
Treasurer Changeover & Callie Barr Meet and Greet
HCDP News for September 12th, 2023
In this Email
HCDP News for September 12 2023
Party News
Note from the Chair: Treasurer Changeover
Meet & Greet with Callie Barr Tomorrow
Second Highway Clean-Up
Meme of the Week
More Good Things Happening in Lansing
Upcoming Events
Jenn Hill Fundraiser
Save the Date - Upcoming HCDP Events
Community Events

Note from the Chair: Treasurer Changeover
The officers of the HCDP are crucial to its operations, making sure we have funds and personnel available, staying on top of social media, and organizing events and political strategies.
For many years, we have deeply appreciated the reliable and skilled efforts of Sherri Lewis as Treasurer. Sherri has been wanting to step down for a while, and after a long search, we are pleased to announce that Margaret Landsparger has been elected by vote of the membership to take her place.
We welcome Margaret and look forward to her assistance in this core role for the Party. We're always grateful for community members that step up with their time and efforts to keep Party activities running strong.

Meet & Greet With Callie Barr Tomorrow
We are pleased to host Callie Barr, candidate for US House District 1, tomorrow, Wednesday September 13th at 7 PM in the conference room at the Houghton Super 8. All are welcome to meet with Callie.
Meet Callie
Mom. Military Spouse. Teacher. Attorney.
I’m running to represent Michigan’s 1st Congressional District to fight for the needs of Northern Michigan Families. As a mom and military spouse, I know what it’s like to make a household budget stretch, to worry about the cost of childcare, gas, and groceries, and to struggle to find a job. When my husband came home from Iraq and couldn’t get the care he needed, I fought for him and then other military families like mine. Now, I’m ready to take on Congress to stand up for Northern Michigan.

The Houghton County Democratic Party is pleased to welcome and support all Democratic candidates during the campaign season. The Party does not endorse candidates in primaries.
The success of our county party relies on the participation of people just like you. Join the HCDP today and help us put Democrats on the ballot who’ll make a difference.
“We are Democrats because we believe that good government must rely upon and strengthen the bonds that make us a society: recognizing the richness of our diverse heritage, preserving what we have been given, and leaving to posterity a legacy greater than that which we received.” - HCDP Platform Preamble
Second Highway Clean Up
Come join us for our second clean up effort on our adopted section of M-26. Clean up is scheduled for Tuesday, September 26th at 5:30 PM. (The Rain Date is Thursday, September 28th.)
Our stretch of highway runs from just past Goat Hill Rd (heading out of Ripley) on through Dollar Bay. Parking is available at the Adopt-A-Highway sign just past Goat Hill Rd. We provide gloves, safety vests and bags.
Join us in continuing this very worthwhile community service. We hope to see you there!
Meme of the Week
This week’s meme comes from the Facebook account of the Kent County Democratic Party. Like many Democratic social media accounts around the state, KCDP reposted what the MI Dems first posted at the end of August, and it’s well worth sharing. We’ve been posting about “Good Things Happening in Lansing” all summer, and this post highlights some of the unprecedented results that Democratic majorities in the state legislature have achieved this year.
If the post below is a little hard to read, here are the highlights:
Unemployment rate at lowest level in 23 years
Repealed the retirement tax, putting an average of $1,000 back in the pockets of 500,000 households
Quintupled the Working Families Tax Credit, delivering an average combined refund of $3,150 to 700,000 working families
Record investments in housing and community revitalization projects
Forged powerful economic development strategy and tools to land billions in investment creating thousands of good-paying jobs
Free school meals for all 1.4 million public school students
Free pre-K for 5,600 more kids, taking important steps towards Pre-K for All
Lowered the age for Michigan Reconnect from 25 to 21, expanding tuition-free higher education or skills training to 350,000 people
Repealed the 1931 abortion ban
If you’re on Facebook, why not click on the post above to show the Kent County Dems some ❤️.
More Good Things Happening in Lansing
Things are heating up in Lansing as the legislature returns for the fall session.
Lawmakers will be busy putting bills together to advance their legislative agenda (which by all reports aligns with the Governor’s “What’s Next” address). They will have to move quickly, based on continued rumors (no confirmation yet) that the session will end earlier than usual. More: WWMT News
In a sign of just how fast Democrats are prepared to move, an 11-bill package of abortion reforms has already been introduced in the Senate. The bills would end the mandatory 24-hour waiting period for patients before abortions, repeal some structural requirements for abortion facilities and allow Medicaid to cover abortion services, among other things. More: Bridge Michigan
AG Dana Nessel has voiced support for bills introduced in both houses that would prevent people convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors in Michigan from possessing or owning a firearm for eight years following their conviction. MORE: Soo Leader
Meanwhile, Governor Whitmer has been in talks with the Big 3 automakers and the UAW as the strike deadline approaches. The Governor was quoted as urging the negotiating parties to “stay at the table and come up with an agreement that supports workers and averts a strike.” The current contract ends this Thursday. MORE: GM Authority
Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said in an interview that she will “look closely” at a future run for Governor. She is one of several Democrats said to be weighing a run to be the next leader of our state. MORE: Fox 2 Detroit

Jenn Hill Fundraiser
Join our friends the Baraga County Dems at a Meet, Greet and Eat with Jenn Hill on Saturday September 16th from 1 PM until 2:30 PM. Jenn is running for State Representative in the 109th District, representing Alger, Baraga, Marquette and part of Dickinson Counties.
You can RSVP to the event at this ActBlue link.
Save the Date -
Upcoming HCDP Events

HCDP Monthly Meetings: First Wednesday of each month at 7 PM, in the conference room at the Houghton Super 8 and by Zoom.
Community Events
Tue 9/12
This month's regular meeting of the Houghton County Board of Commissioners is this afternoon at 4 PM in the Conference Room on the fifth floor of the Houghton County Courthouse. Find more information on the Board's webpage (find the Microsoft Teams virtual meeting info in the Agenda).
The Calumet Village Council meets in a Working Session tonight at 6 PM in the Village Council Chambers. Further information can be found on the Village website.
Wed 9/13
The Houghton City Council meets at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday. The Meeting Agenda can be found in the Searchable Document Center of the Council's website.
Fri 9/15
This Friday is the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month, a national celebration to honor the history, culture and influence of past generations that came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. Learn more about Hispanic Heritage Month here.
Sat 9/16
Saturday is Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year celebration. The new year starts on the first day of the month of Tishrei in the Hebrew calendar, which usually falls between early September and early October in the Gregorian calendar. Rosh Hashanah is one of the most important holidays for Jews. Learn more here.
The 34th Annual Parade of Nations and Multicultural Food Festival is this Saturday. The festival is sponsored by the cities of Hancock and Houghton, Michigan Tech and the Keweenaw Tourism Council. This year's theme is "Fairy Tales from Around the World". The parade kicks off at 11 AM. Find out more on the Parade’s Event Page on Facebook.
Sun 9/17
Sunday is the 236th anniversary of the drafting of the US Constitution by the Constitutional Convention, and is known as Constitution and Citizenship Day. Find out more about the history of the day, and of the Constitution, and discover related online resources on this webpage from Michigan Tech’s Van Pelt and Opie Library.

Sunday is the 236th anniversary of the drafting of the US Constitution
Is there a community commemoration or event we should recognize that's of particular importance to you? Just send an email to [email protected].