- Houghton County Democratic Party
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- Voting Rights and Election Legislation Report
Voting Rights and Election Legislation Report
HCDP News for May 30th, 2023
In this Email
MAY 30 2023
Party News
NEW: Next General Meeting on June 7th
NEW: Tickets Now Available for Spring Fling 2023
NEW: Voting Rights and Election Legislation Report
NEW: More Good Things Happening in Lansing
Upcoming Events
NEW: Save the Date - Upcoming HCDP Events
NEW: Keweenaw Pridefest
NEW: Community Events
Party News
Next General Meeting on June 7th
This section, with details for our next monthly meeting, is available only to our email subscribers. Not a subscriber? Sign up here:
Tickets Now Available for Spring Fling 2023
A few words from Chair William Keith:
Spring Fling is almost here! If you haven't gotten your tickets yet, NOW IS THE TIME!
We'll want to get a headcount to the Bonfire this week, so your RSVP is appreciated by June 1 if possible. Remember, this is our big fundraiser for the year - every ticket bought helps us elect Democratic candidates in 2024.
Spring Fling is for much more than just members: you're heartily welcome to invite friends and family to hang out with some progressive folks, enjoy a nice dinner, hear some speakers, and participate in the Silent Auction.
Join us at the Bonfire next Saturday, June 10th!
The cost is $50 per person, with Seniors and Student tickets available at $40.
Purchase tickets by mail:
Make your check payable to HCDC, PO Box 304, Houghton MI 49931
Purchase tickets online by clicking on the button below:

Voting Rights and Election Legislation Report
We are grateful to live in Michigan, where together we successfully passed Proposition 2 last year, the Promote the Vote ballot initiative that expanded and protected voting rights in our state. The initiative requires ballot drop boxes and nine days of early voting, allows all voters to cast their ballot by mail, ensures military and overseas ballots are counted if postmarked by Election Day, and recognizes the right to vote without harassment or intimidation.
A new report from the Voting Rights Lab sheds light on what's happening in other states.
On the positive side, the report shows that nearly a third of legislation actually passed by states this year makes voting MORE accessible. Sweeping reforms in New York, New Mexico and Minnesota will strengthen democracy and ease restrictions on voting in those states.
But, the report warns (and we all know from the daily news) that election interference legislation remains a threat. A record number of restrictive voting legislation has been introduced in Republican run state houses across the nation, and multiple states have approved legislation that interferes with the fair, nonpartisan administration of elections. In neighboring Indiana for example, a law was just passed making voting by absentee ballot more difficult, and adding to already cumbersome absentee voting requirements in that state.
Learn more by reading the full report online.

More Good Things Happening in Lansing
What's happened in Lansing in the past week:
The Detroit News has a very thorough article on the "red flag" gun safety law signed by the Governor last Monday. Of particular interest was Attorney General Nessel's message to "constitutional sheriffs" who threaten not to enforce the law. Our own county sheriff referred to himself as a "constitutional sheriff" when the County Board passed it's gun rights resolution last month.
The state Senate passed the CROWN Act, which bans racial discrimination focused on "hair texture and protective hairstyles". Such discrimination would be prohibited in employment decisions, housing and schools. Twenty other states have enacted similar protections.
Michigan House Speaker Joe Tate spoke with Lansing TV station WLNS for their Capital Rundown show. The Speaker talked about what the Democrats in Michigan have accomplished so far this session, and what's ahead. You can view the show here. The section featuring the Speaker starts at 7:20 into the video.
Michigan Supreme Court Justice Richard Bernstein has returned to the Court a month after announcing he was seeking short term mental health treatment for "situational depression".
Upcoming Events
Save the Date -
Upcoming HCDP Events

Here are dates to hold for upcoming HCDP activities:
June 16th: Bridgefest Parade and vendor booth
July 4th: Independence Day Parades (Participation TBD, but likely Lake Linden & South Range)
July 8th: Strawberry Festival Parade in Chassell
August 19th: Pasty Fest Parade in Calumet
August 24 thru 27th: Booth at Houghton County Fair
Keweenaw Pridefest
A group of local folks calling themselves the Keweenaw Queers are organizing a Pridefest for Saturday June 3rd at the East Houghton Waterfront Park. The fest kicks off at 1 PM and continues until 5.
Admission is free and the event is open to the public. According to the group's Facebook event there will be a potluck, so bring food to share! Musical performances will be provided by local musicians, and non-commercial community tables will be staffed by "similarly-aligned community organizations."
Find out more by visiting the Facebook event page. They've even set up a Facebook group for those who may want to join in to help plan the event.

Community Events
Thur 6/1
The South Range Village Council meets Thursday at 6:30 PM in the South Range Community Building. For more information contact the Village at [email protected] or (906) 482-8833
June 1st is also the first day of LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Pride Month began in the wake of the Stonewall riots in 1969. To commemorate the first anniversary of the riots the first Pride Marches were held in New York and Chicago in 1970, and pride marches and celebrations have since spread throughout the United States and beyond. In 1999 President Clinton declared the anniversary of Stonewall every June as "Gay and Lesbian Pride Month". President Obama expanded the officially recognized Pride Month to include the whole of the LGBT community. The presidential recognition lapsed during the Trump administration, but was revived by President Biden. Visit this page for an overview of the history and meaning of Pride.
Sat 6/3
UP Health System - Portage is hosting a FREE Health and Safety Fair. The event includes free screenings, healthy food, giveaways, hands-on demonstrations and more. For more information visit this UP Health web page.
Mon 6/5
Monday is the 50th annual World Environment Day as designated by the UN General Assembly. The theme for this year is #BeatPlasticPollution. Visit the World Environment Day 2023 Featured Updates page to learn more.
Month of May
In May, we celebrate a number of different communities and raise awareness on a number of topics. We'll highlight one month long May celebration and/or commemoration each week during the month.
As we leave May behind us, we note that the month of May was recognized by Governor Whitmer as an awareness raising month for a number of issues. May, by proclamation of the Governor, is Hepatitis Awareness Month, Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, Brain Tumor Awareness Month, Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Awareness Month. Worthy causes all.
(You can see a full list of the Governor's Proclamations on the Governor's official web page.)
Is there a community commemoration or event we should recognize that's of particular importance to you? Just send an email to [email protected].