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Winter is Here
HCDP News for December 17th
This newsletter is paid for with regulated funds by the Houghton County Democratic Party, and is not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Contact us by email at [email protected] or text or call us at 906-523-1233
HCDP News for December 17 2024
In this week’s HCDP News:
CORRECTION: Committee Co-Chairs Elected at HCDP’s County Convention
Winter is Here
Michigan Democrats Race to Finalize Bills in Lame Duck Session
Hear from Some of the Candidates for Chair of the Democratic National Committee
Next HCDP Monthly Meeting Jan. 8
Registration for the Rural Summit Opens Feb. 1
Michigan Democratic Party Spring Convention Next Feb. 22
Governmental & Community Meetings
![]() | Party News |
CORRECTION: Committee Co-Chairs Elected at HCDP’s County Convention

In last week’s item about our County Convention & Executive Committee meeting we inadvertently switched the roles of two of our new Committee Chairs. Newly elected Committee Chair Brian Irizarry will head Policy and Resolutions, while Nancy Verive was elected Chair of the Events Committee, and not vice-versa as we reported last week. We regret the error.
And just to make sure we’re all on the same page, here is the complete list of the HCDP Officers and Committee Chairs elected at our Convention:
William Keith, Chair
Lois Gemignani, Co-Chair
Barb Turuc, Secretary
Margaret Landsparger, Treasurer
Brian Hoduski, Candidate Recruitment
Valorie Troesch, Rules
Steve Blackburn, Communications
Brian Irrizary, Policy and Resolutions
Elise Matz, Organizing
Nancy Verive, Events
Mick Sheridan was not in attendance at the meeting and so consideration of his role as chair of Membership was deferred to the next monthly meeting.
The Finance Committee Chair remains open.
Winter is Here

Ho Ho Holidays - It’s Winter in the Keweenaw!
Ah winter! Here in Houghton County we know it well. It’s part of our personalities and livelihoods here, where winter recreation is an economic driver and a reason for all of us to get outside and enjoy nature in it’s snowiest incarnation.
At the same time, winter can be a quiet season. Nothing beats the quiet of a snowy sunrise over one of our lakes, with perhaps only the occasional intrusion of a woodpecker’s rat-a-tat-tat. It’s a time for reflection and for gathering our energy for the coming spring. As Democrats we know that the next years will require our strength. So, let’s take advantage of this time to marshal our own reserves for the fight ahead.
But it’s also the holiday season - a time for get-togethers and traditional observances. Over the weekend President Biden and Vice President Harris spoke at an annual get-together for the Democratic National Committee - the holiday reception in Washington, D.C.
The President looked back over his term in office. "The one thing I've always believed about public service, and especially about the presidency, is the importance of asking yourself: 'Have we left the country in better shape than we found it?'" Biden reflected. "Today, I can say, with [every] fiber of my being, of all my heart, the answer to that question is a resounding 'yes.' Because of all of you assembled here, we can be proud we're leaving America in a better place today than we came here four years ago."
In the VP’s remarks, she thanked the attendees for all they had done in support of her campaign, and urged those assembled to be ready for the fight ahead. "Our spirit is not defeated,” she said. “We are not defeated. Let's be clear about that. We are strong,"
Michigan Democrats Race to Finalize Bills in Lame Duck Session
There’s been a flurry of activity in the state legislature over the last week as Michigan’s Democratic legislative leaders work to finalize bills in the time remaining for the Democratic trifecta. After the New Year the Republicans will take control of the House, bringing divided government back to the state.
On Friday Democrats in the state House passed a flurry of bills on issues ranging from online sexual harrassment to child labor after Republicans stormed out of the Capital. The GOP lawmakers absence from the Capital was a failed protest, attempting to force Democrats to vote bills preempting changes to the state's minimum wage and paid sick leave law. MORE: Detroit Free Press
In the state Senate Democrats approved expanded unemployment benefits over Republican objections. The revised plan would extend eligibility to 26 weeks, bump maximum weekly benefit from $362 to $614 over three years. MORE: Bridge Michigan
The Senate approved bills last week to bar landlords from rejecting prospective tenants based on their source of income. Source of income includes “housing assistance, housing choice vouchers, public assistance, veterans' benefits, Social Security, supplemental security income or other retirement programs, and other programs administered by any federal, state, local, or nonprofit entity.” The bills have already passed the House and will now go to the Governor’s desk for signature. MORE: Detroit Free Press
The Michigan House and Senate passed a series of gun reforms last week. The Senate bills would ban “ghost guns” and bump stops, while the House passed a measure to require state police to destroy weapons from gun buyback programs. Each chamber’s bills must now be approved by the other chamber before they can advance to the Governor. MORE: Bridge Michigan
Hear from Some of the Candidates for Chair of the Democratic National Committee
We talked last week about the opening at the top of the Democratic National Committee, with current Chair Jaime Harrison leaving the role. The new head of the DNC will be elected by DNC members. The DNC is composed of the chairs and vice-chairs of each state Democratic Party Committee and over 200 members elected by Democrats in all 57 US states and territories.
The party has said that four candidate forums will take place ahead of the election, which is expected to take place February 1st. But it’s not clear if any of these forums will be viewable by those of us who are not DNC members.
So, here are some recent media appearances by some of the candidates to give you a sense of who they are and what they think we Democrats need to do over the next four years.
Minnesota State Party Chair Ken Martin
Ken Martin is one of two Midwestern state party chairs who are contending for DNC leadership. Martin heads Minnesota’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. He has led the party since 2011, and was inspired to a career in politics by the campaign of MN Senator Paul Wellstone, who’s slogan was “We all do better, when we all do better.”

Interview with CNN’s Manu Raju (Dec. 15)
Discussion with Simon Rosenberg On The Future of DNC And The Democratic Party (Dec. 4)
Wisconsin State Party Chair Ben Wikler
Ben Wikler is the other Midwestern state party chair in the race. He has led the WI Dems since 2019. Under Wikler’s leadership the party has built the largest permanent staff of any state party, has mobilized tens of thousands of volunteers, and raised more than $100 million to support Democratic candidates. Wikler began his career in politics at the age of 11, stuffing envelopes for the Congressional campaign of his godmother, Ada Deer.

Interview with Jon Stewart on the Daily Show (Dec. 9)
Interview on the Breaking Points podcast (Dec 4)
Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley
Martin O’Malley is the former mayor of Baltimore and was Maryland’s governor from 2007 through 2015. He most recently served under President Biden as Commissioner of the Social Security Administration. He is a former chair of the Democratic Governor’s Association. In his campaign for DNC chair he is highlighting his executive experience and his record on progressive policies and grassroots organizing.

Interview with Ali Vitali on Meet the Press Now (Dec. 5)
Interview with Willie Giest on Morning Joe (Nov. 27)

Next HCDP Monthly Meeting Jan. 8
Our general party member meetings are the first Wednesday of every month at the Super 8 Motel in Houghton at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise announced. You can also attend by Zoom - your email newsletter will have the Zoom details for each meeting.
You do not need to be a member to attend our meetings, and we would welcome you to join us.
WHAT: Potluck at 6 PM, Meeting immediately following the County Convention which begins at 7 PM.
WHERE: In the conference room at the Houghton Super 8, and by Zoom
WHEN: January 8th
Registration for the Rural Summit Opens Feb. 1

Registration for the Rural Summit will open February 1, 2025.
The 3rd annual MDP Rural Caucus Summit will be held next April 10th through the 12th. The Kewadin Casino and Resort in Sault Ste Marie will once again be the venue. Top keynote speakers are expected again next year, along with training sessions on running for rural office, rural party building, messaging, and much more.
Michigan Democratic Party Spring Convention Next Feb. 22

The Michigan Democratic Party’s Spring 2025 Convention will take place Saturday, February 22 at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center.
At the 2025 Spring State Convention, Michigan Democrats will gather by congressional district to elect district officers and members to the State Central Committee. On the Convention floor, Democrats will vote by congressional district to elect a Chair and two (2) Vice-Chairs of the State Central Committee.
All members of the Michigan Democratic Party are encouraged to attend the 2025 Spring State Convention.
The MDP Spring 2025 Call to Convention can be found here.
Governmental & Community Meetings
he Laurium Village Council meets tonight at 6 PM in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall. More information, including the link to attend remotely, can be found on the Village Council's web page.
LAURIUM RESIDENTS NOTE: The Village of Laurium has started the initial process of determining whether it should change its form of government and become the City of Laurium. If you are a resident of Laurium the Village would like to encourage you to take their survey on becoming a city. Visit the Village’s website for more information.
The Hancock City Council meets at 6 PM in the Hancock City Hall Council Chambers.